Monday, November 14, 2011


Dad went back to work today. We are so grateful. Mom has cared for Dad for the last 6 months, and I'm sure it will be a transition for her, too. Dad is also starting a physical therapy program to regain his health and strength. We hope this new chapter in his cancer rehabilitation goes well. I'm sure that Mom will have an adjustment to make now, too. I can't imagine what it must be like to go from being with and caring for Dad 24/7 to having him gone most of the day! Luckily, Thanksgiving is coming up, so many of us will be together again.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


REMISSION. Definition: A temporary or permanent decrease or subsidence of manifestations of a disease. Example: Ron Roberts is in complete remission from stage 4 non-hodgkins lymphoma. Joyous party time! He will be monitored every 4 months to make sure the aggressive B-cell cancer is staying away. The indolent cancer in his bones is only manifesting in 5% of his bones, so it's something they will watch over time. Thankful. Thankful. Thankful.

We're all in shock. My parents are leaving MD Anderson with their jaws on the floor. They expected some drama from the oncologist today, but it just didn't happen! The oncologist didn't see any signs of cancer, and he doesn't even want my dad to do maintenance chemotherapy with rituxumab (he feels that there isn't enough evidence to prove its effectiveness and it just weakens the body and predisposes it to infection). In other words: Dad is COMPLETELY finished until further notice. What a relief! We're so grateful for the mercy and health that Dad has been granted. He's excited to go home, do physical therapy, and get back to a normal life. We couldn't ask for a better Thanksgiving gift.

Thanks so much to everyone for your love and support. The letters, phone calls, prayers, gifts, blessings, and food have meant the world to our whole family. I don't think I'll need to update this blog very often anymore. I'll give updates every month, or so, on how Dad's health and strength are doing; but hopefully, there won't be any drama to share!

We'll definitely be sending up prayers of gratitude today. Our love to you all.