Friday, September 30, 2011


Dad had another appointment today with the oncologist. The results are becoming quite predictable these days! Dad needed another infusion of fluids before they sent him on his way. We're pretty sure that the nurses are convinced that Dad would rather get an I.V. than drink water! It seems to be easier these days. When I was with him on Wednesday, we worked hard at getting him to chug more water down, but it came back to haunt him. Thursday morning, he ended up throwing up all of the hard work from Wednesday! He was not in good shape yesterday, and Mom was getting a bit nervous. He took more zofran (anti-nausea medication) and felt much better once that kicked in. He's now going to take zofran a lot more regularly (we do know that if you wait until you feel nauseous, it's too late). Mom and Dad both think that he can only go up from here. It has been one rough week!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Dad made it home last night around 8:00. After completing his chemotherapy, they discovered that his potassium level was dangerously low, so Dad spent all of Tuesday getting potassium pumped into his system. He goes back to the oncologist this morning for his neulasta shot (to help his white blood cell count).

He does have an infection and he's antibiotics and probiotics, but he's definitely in a new state of isolation/protection. He had a sealed room at the hospital, and the nurses used a higher level of caution with their glove and robe-changing procedures. We're hoping that he can beat the infection and get more energy soon.

I'm here now and I stole a picture of what Dad's days are normally like. Mom said, "Why don't you just roll in the coffin, too, and take a picture of that!" I think that Dad looks good, even without eyebrows! :)

Update: When dad when in for his neulasta shot, his heart rate was up, but his blood pressure was down (a sign that he was dehydrated); so he got another infusion of saline. We hung out at the office for an additional hour while he got more fluids. That always makes Dad feel better, but he's still trying to increase his fluid intake. Dad has never been much of a drinker, so it's very difficult for him to drink at least 64 ounces a day.

This is definitely a tough time for Mom and Dad, and we hope that Dad can start to feel a little reprieve from his fatigue soon. Dad will visit the oncologist on Friday, Monday, and Thursday. We're grateful that they're keeping a close eye on things, but the battle is certainly rough. Dad has a plethora of medications that he's trying to keep track of, and it isn't easy sorting through what, when, and where he's supposed to take them. Mom has been a rock, and although Dad admits that he isn't the best patient, I think they do quite well.

Saturday, September 24, 2011


Dad is completing his chemotherapy treatment of methyltrexate (spelling?) as I type. He still has about 3 other kinds of chemotherapy left until he can head home (probably not until Wednesday). During his routine blood draw this afternoon, they discovered that Dad's red blood cell count is low again; so he's getting 2 more units of blood tonight. Phew! This is something else! He's hanging in there, but he's definitely ready to just get this over with. He's amazing and strong, and he can do this!


Dad checked into the hospital first thing yesterday. They didn't have a bed available until 3:00 that afternoon. Dad ended up hanging out on another floor, just waiting for a room to open up. They did start him on some bicarbonate fluids to help his pH level get to the right level for his first chemotherapy treatment, but that was started quite late in the game, too. He finally got started on chemotherapy at 8:00 last night.

To say that I was frustrated is an understatement. It's so difficult to be patient when things like this just shouldn't happen. Mom and Dad are patient saints (although I think that Mom even needed to go outside, drink a Coke, and get some fresh air), but I was ready to hop on a plane and demand that Dad get started! (I'm sure I'd have a lot of pull. Ha! Ha!). It isn't fun being in the hospital, and to spend an entire day, just waiting, is definitely a drag.

The oncologist did visit Dad last night and asked a lot of questions about Dad's health. The oncologist concluded that Dad probably had a bowel infection and got him going on a probiotic prescription. It's supposedly not a big deal, and very common, but I think that it must have been a rough day for everybody. Hopefully, we'll have better luck now that chemotherapy has started. Thank heaven Dad has only one treatment left after this. I think Mom and Dad are hammered!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Dad received his blood transfusions today and was able to leave the hospital by about 2:30 this afternoon. He seemed to accept the blood well this time. He found out from the nurses today that his chills from the last transfusion were actually an indication of an allergic reaction to the blood. He was lucky that nothing terrible happened the last go-around, and they're becoming well-informed cancer fighters! Mom recognized Dad's nurse as the same nurse that helped her when she had colon surgery back in 2003. She can't claim chemo brain anymore!!

Dad is feeling much, much better. They're looking forward (well, not really) to Thursday's Rituxum treatment at the oncology clinic and Friday's check-in to the hospital for another 5-day round (schedule B) of chemotherapy.

Monday, September 19, 2011


Mom and Dad were excited that Dad mustered up enough energy to attend Maggie's baptism in California over the weekend. I was really nervous for him to go, but he wore his mask on the plane and tried to take it easy, getting plenty of naps in between events. They had a great time with Chris and Ellie's family and arrived back in Albuquerque last night.

Dad had another appointment with the oncologist today, and they discovered that his red blood cell count is at 2.7. That's low! Consequently, his blood pressure is extremely low, too. He's scheduled to get a blood transfusion with 2 units of blood first thing tomorrow morning. Thank you blood donors! Hopefully, this will help Dad be in a position to get his next round of chemotherapy starting on Thursday. We'll just have to see how things go.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Since the last entry, Dad has made great improvement! He had to visit the oncologist one more time for more fluids; but since then, he has improved dramatically! Yahoo! We love fluids and steroids!

Dad was able to go into work for a few hours yesterday, and he even went to dinner tonight with some friends of theirs who were celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary! We're so grateful for so many good friends!

Dad is ecstatic that he's feeling so great, and to top it off, another grandson was born today: Clee Daniel Roberts (named after both of his grandpas). Congratulations to Dane and Emily (and Eden, Zia, and Maris)!

Friday, September 9, 2011

more fluids

Dad had another follow-up appointment today. He was still low on fluids and needed to stay for a few hours and receive fluids. He's feeling better tonight and will recover for a few days before his next appointment on Monday. He did try to go for a walk this morning, and he was pretty beat by the end. He's up every hour at night, but luckily he can rest during the day, too. Hang in there, Dad!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Post-Chemotherapy Misery

Dad was discharged from the hospital around 3:00 p.m. yesterday. He was VERY ready to be home! He was completely wiped out and slept most of the day. He did have to get up frequently throughout the night, but at least he was in his own home.

Dad had a follow-up appointment at Hematology/Oncology to get his neulasta shot (to boost his white blood cell count), and while he was there it was determined that he isn't in good enough shape to go home. They are currently pumping his body with saline, anti-bacterial and anti-viral meds, steroids, you name it, he's probably getting it! The oncologist said that Dad will feel much better after getting these treatments. Dad's platelet count his finally starting to drop, and they'll be monitoring Dad closely over the next few days. We're guessing that he'll need another blood transfusion soon, once all of the chemo drugs do their thing, but for now, his blood levels are okay.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Hanging in There

Dad is in the middle of his chemotherapy treatments this weekend, and he's handling things well so far. His platelet count is still rising, but the doctors aren't too concerned. Dad's platelet count is around 1100 (normal is 150-400), but the doctor said he won't do much more unless Dad's count approaches 1500. The chemotherapy should start to kill off platelets at some point, so we'll see where he's at before he leaves the hospital on Tuesday. Dad is stable and feeling much better than he did earlier this week and last week.

Jordon, me, and the kids are here for the long weekend, and it's great being together. Jordon and Dad watched about 4 college footballs games yeserday, complete with the big, yellow popcorn bowls! Maybe college football will get Dad through this!