Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Dad received his blood transfusions today and was able to leave the hospital by about 2:30 this afternoon. He seemed to accept the blood well this time. He found out from the nurses today that his chills from the last transfusion were actually an indication of an allergic reaction to the blood. He was lucky that nothing terrible happened the last go-around, and they're becoming well-informed cancer fighters! Mom recognized Dad's nurse as the same nurse that helped her when she had colon surgery back in 2003. She can't claim chemo brain anymore!!

Dad is feeling much, much better. They're looking forward (well, not really) to Thursday's Rituxum treatment at the oncology clinic and Friday's check-in to the hospital for another 5-day round (schedule B) of chemotherapy.

1 comment:

  1. So glad the blood helped! Ah! I can't believe its already time to check back into the hospital!
